For a decade Axiom Software Laboratories has been providing customers with leading edge solutions across the finance and risk management spectrum. Our enterprise solutions help customers implement state of the art risk management and regulatory reporting capabilities. Among Axiom SL customers are premier investment banks, asset managers, insurance companies and pension funds.
Axiom SL offers the following robust solutions:
RiskMonitor® – Complete suite of tools for Market, Credit, Liquidity, Operational risk and Economic Capital analysis. Risk Monitor functionality includes Incremental and Marginal VaR calculation, Error Tracking, Stress Testing, Instruments Pricing, Limits Management and Curve Booth strapping.
BASEL123™ Suite – Complete set of capabilities integrating Credit, Market and Operational Risks that covers approaches and constituencies for standard, foundation and advanced IRB. Axiom SL BASEL123 Suite includes complete data transparency, regulatory reporting, model validation and full compliance with Pillars I, II and III.
ControllerView® – Set of applications for regulatory and financial reporting with worldwide regulatory coverage. Functions include full analytical and drill down capabilities of firm's positions and/or account balances. ControllerView provides “plug-‘n-play“ integration with many core banking systems and GL Platforms. It is easy to create complex reports using the Visual Business Rules and workflow engine that controls process execution and data.
IntegrationCenter™ – Complete data integration platform and data-mart management solution supported by a robust data federation engine specifically designed for accessing disparate databases of risk and financial data. Integration Center includes sophisticated process automation and work-flow engines.
FinETL™ – Collaborative data management platform providing standard transformation capabilities plus the ability to enrich data on the fly with the built in financial analytics libraries. Using a fully graphical development environment, FinETL empowers both Business and IT professionals to solve complex data enrichment and analytical calculation challenges. The built-in financial domain knowledge enables rapid time to market and simplifies changes to the environment.
Keywords: Regulatory Reporting
Data Management
Dynamic Data Warehouse
Integration Center
Risk Management
Risk Capital